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Raphael Xavier- Company Artistic Director 

Raphaelis an award winning artist from Wilmington, Delaware.  As a member of the world renown Hip Hop Dance Company, Rennie Harris Puremovement since 1998, Raphael is a Pennsylvania Fellow of the Arts in Folk and Traditional forms and has been funded by the Independence Foundation and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, ACTA and the Durfee Foundation. He has been a professional dancer for the last 15 years, working in a variety of fields including Music, photography and film.  A self taught Breaking practitioner since 1983, Raphael continues to learn and recreate new ways to expand the vocabulary of the dance form through constant research of the culture, performance and practice and staying present in the community. 
His extensive research in Hip Hop forms and culture, specifically Breaking, has lead to the creation of Ground-Core, a Somatic dance technique that give the practitioner a better understanding of the body within all dance forms.